Rogue Perfumery Vetifleur Review (Manuel Cross) 2021 + Scintillating Verdant Floral Draw
Rogue Perfumery Vetifleur flacon courtesy of Manuel Cross© with digital effects by Michelyn© Verdi prati, selve amene,perderete la beltà.Vaghi fior, correnti rivi,la vaghezza, la bellezza,presto in voi si cangerà. ~ G.F.Handel’s opera Alcina“Verdant meadows, pleasant forests, you will lose your beauty. Dreamy blossoms, flowing streams, your charm, your beauty will soon fade (my translation).” We...
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Rogue Perfumery Tuberose and Moss, Chypre Siam and Jasmin Antique (Manuel Cross)
Bottles of Rogue Perfumery Tuberose and Moss, Jasmin Antique and Chypre-Siam From time to rare time, I come across a line of perfumes so gorgeous, so wonderfully imagined, I feel compelled to plug it to anyone will listen to me. Coworkers, friends, neighbours, doctors (my dermatologist and I bonded over our mutual knowledge of Firmenich,...
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